About Data Sources

Data sources in Profitbase Studio are in general the basis of most data in a data warehouse solution.

The Data Source Editor allows you to define and edit Data Source information and Connection configuration. 

A data source collects data from a source system of any type:

- Internal Data Warehouse database tables

- MSSQL database (PowerShell)

- Oracle database (PowerShell)

- Excel worksheet (PowerShell or .Net)

Comma separated flat file (PowerShell (directly from UNC or web site or via UNC from Azure Blob Storage))

- Or any source data made accessible through T-SQL or PowerShell.


There are seven types of data warehouse objects in which data can be imported into: Dimension Tables, Parent/Child Dim Tables, Fact Tables, Other Tables (mainly mapping tables), Tag Value Tables, Table Metadata Table and Field Metadata Table.

When transferring to the data warehouse, source system data is extracted and converted into Profitbase standard names.