Processing Data Source Tables

Data Warehouse Management

Manual updates to the Data Warehouse are performed using the command buttons in the Tasks and Data form. The following commands are available:

The processing dialog has the following sections:

  • 'Process' page has the following buttons: 
    • 'Transfer Data' ('Generate' if view): Click to retrieve data from the Data Source and update the Data Warehouse.
    • 'Browse Data': Click to view the data in the Data Warehouse.
    • 'Stop Processing': Click to stop the execution of a Transfer.
    • 'Delete and Transfer Data': Delete the data from the Data Warehouse before retrieving data from the Data Source and update the Data Warehouse by clicking.
    • 'Delete Data': Click to delete the data from the Data Warehouse.
    • 'Save SSIS Package (SSIS only)': Click to Save the SSIS package to file.
    • 'Validate and Save SSIS Package (SSIS 32 bit Studio client only)': Click to Validate and then Save the SSIS package to the SQL Server.
    • 'Delete Existing SSIS Package (SSIS only)': Click to delete the saved SSIS Package from SQL Server.
    • Load Options
      * Reload All
      * Custom Reload - Customized reload of data. User specifiy a Source Filter and a Data Warehouse Delete Filter.
      * Incremental Reload - Data is inserted or updated based on a Primary Key.
      * Reload Days 
      * Reload Months 
      * Reload From Date
      * Reload From and To Date 
    • Timeout in Seconds
  • 'Status' shows the data warehouse status. For more details, click here.