Configure Data Source Tables
Expand the <//Solution : name / Data Sources / Data Source : name> folder and select the Data Source Table to be configured.
Select the table to present the editor used to edit Data Source Tables.
The main goal here is to make a mapping from source system data into data warehouse data source tables.
The Procedure
Right click any Data Source or Data Source Folder node. Click New Data Source Table.
Define the fields presented then click Finish.
The next step is to define Column Mapping.
Define and configure the Source Columns and mapping to the corresponding Data Source Table-Column, then click Save to save the Column Mapping definitions.
The resulting Data Source Table is previewed by clicking on the Preview Table button.
The Data Warehouse is updated by right clicking a Data Source Table and clicking on Process. Alternatively select the Data Source Table and click the Process button.
View the Data Source Table in the Data Warehouse by right clicking a Data Source Table and clicking on Browse. Alternatively select the Data Source Table and hit the F5 key.
Data Source Table - Right Click Options
New Script |
Click to open the form that allows for definition of a script. |
Save As Template |
Data Source Tables can be saved to the Template library for use in future projects. Select a Dimension Table and click. The displayed dialog gives the user the opportunity to either Save the Table as New or to Overwrite an existing Table. |
Copy |
A Data Source Table can be copied to clipboard by clicking. |
Delete |
Click to delete the selected Data Source Table. An "Are you sure?" dialog requiring a confirmation is displayed before the delete is performed. |
Data Source Table - Command Buttons
Save |
Click to save the information defined in the Details and the Column Mapping panes to the Solution database. |
Reset |
Click to undo any edits and or deletes and redisplays the original configuration as of the most recent Save. |
Process / Edit Data |
The "Process" button will load source data using the previously used load option. |
Tasks and Data |
Data Warehouse Table Management. Manual updates to the Data Warehouse are performed using the command buttons in the Tasks and Data form. The following commands are available:
Main Settings
Name |
Name of the Data Source Table |
Type |
Type of Data Source Table |
Mode | Data Source Table modes include Default, Linked data and Staging. - Default mode require mappings to defined data warehouse column names and data types (Name Definitions) - Linked data mode indicates loosely linked data the user should be aware of. Source queries or scripts can be defined to browse source data. Also an integrated script can be added to allow for interaction with the linked data. - Staging mode allows for transferring a staging table to the data warehouse without mapping to pre-defined data warehouse column names and data types. |
Tag type (Tag Value tables only) |
All Values (Automatically fetch all values) |
Get Table Row Counts (Table Metadata tables only) |
Turns on table by table row count (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableprefix.tablename is executed and the resulting row count is inserted into the MetadataTableRowCount field) |
Get View Row Counts (Table Metadata tables only) |
Turns on view by view row count (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableprefix.viewname is executed and the resulting row count is inserted into the MetadataTableRowCount field) |
Get Primary Key Info (Field Metadata tables only) |
Turns on gathering of primary key information (the SQL defined in the Primary Key Info field is executed and the resulting primary key information is inserted into the MetadataFieldKeyInfo field) |
Add source tables as staging tables (Processed Table Metadata tables only) |
Will add selected source tables as staging tables. |
Add source tables as linked data tables (Processed Table Metadata tables only) |
Will add selected source tables as linked data tables. |
Usage (Tag Value tables only) |
Will perform a scan in all data source tables within the data source and display a list of all contexts where it is used. |
Description |
Optional |
Comments |
Optional |
Source Mappings
Source settings - Command Buttons
Edit Source Query | Click to view or define a SQL query or a Power Shell script. |
View Source Table |
Click to display the Data Source Table and Column names and the results of the Source Query. Using drag and drop, column headings can be copied into the Source Column cells of the Column Mapping table. |
View File (File and Excel only) |
Click to view the file chosen in the Table Name pull down list. |
Source Settings
Source location |
Select from the pull down list. Source is set to either External or Data Warehouse depending on whether the data will stem from the source system or existing data warehouse data. |
Source data |
Table or view - Select a table or view from the "Table name" pull down list. |
Table name / SQL expression / File name |
Select the Source System table name from the pull down list. Alternatively specify a SQL Expression. |
Table filter |
Define a filter on the rows in the source table, i.e. the Where Clause. For example, the Table Row Filter: SHIPMTHD = ‘GROUND’ will return only the rows with the GROUND shipping method. |
Apply main filter |
Indicate whether the main filter applies to this data source table or not. (Main filter is set on Data Source page) |
Source settings - Edit Buttons
Table Name… (SQL Expression) |
Click the button to display the Edit SQL Expression Editor. See SQL Expression Editor below for details. |
Table Filter… |
Click the button to display the Edit Filter Editor. |
SQL Expression Editor
The SQL Expression Editor is accessed by clicking the button on the left side of the Table Name pull down list.
The SQL Expression Editor is a very powerful tool for browsing the Data Source, defining simple or complex SQL Expressions, and mapping Data Source Tables-Columns to a Dimension Table Column.
The Editor has three (3) functional Panes. They are the Expression Pane, Preview Pane and Objects Pane.
Expression Pane |
The Expression Pane displays the SQL Expression that retrieves information from the Data Source and updates the Dimension Table in the Data Warehouse. Expressions are automatically constructed by the system when one table is the target. When more complex expressions are required the user can create the expression in the editor, or copy and paste expressions from other editors. The Expression Pane includes the following commands:
Preview Pane |
The Preview Pane displays the SQL Expression results or displays Data Source Table-Column data when browsing. Column headers can be selected, dragged and dropped into the Column Mapping table. |
Objects Pane |
The Object Pane is used to browse the Tables and Columns of a Data Source. There are three (3) tabs in the Object Pane provides the following capabilities. |
Source Tab |
The Source Tab provides the following functions:
Functions Tab |
Displays a library of commonly used SQL Functions and allows the user to drag & drop Functions into SQL Expressions. |
Tags Tab |
Displays a list of the defined Tags and allows the user to drag & drop Tags into SQL Expressions. |
Column Mapping
The Column Mapping pane defines the Data Source Columns and their mapping to the corresponding Source Table Columns. The Data Source Column Names are the Profitbase Standard Base Format, i.e. the metadata names that are used in the data warehouse and in the OLAP Cubes.
All data source tables must have source data and column mappings.
Depending on the data source table type there are different set of columns available.
Fact Tables typically consist of DimensionID's and measures. Also more unusually fact tables can contain Drillthrough columns like Description, but this is generally not recommended because it can compromise performance.
(Wide) Dimension Tables typically consist of a DimensionID defined as key attribute and Dimension Properties and/or DimensionID's defined as additional dimension attributes. In addition to that it is not unusual to also define _Name and _Name_LANG columns as attribute names and attribute name translations.
Parent / Child Dimension Tables typically consist of a key column and a description column. Additionally it is not unusual to have DimensionID's as Parents and Dimension Properties as attributes. UnaryOperator and MemberFormula columns are also available for Parent/Child Dimension Tables.
Other Tables are typically used as mapping tables consisting of two DimensionID's indicating a from and to ID.
Data Source Column |
The Data Source Column is defined by first clicking, then clicking in the Data Source Column cell of the newly added row. Select the desired Data Source Column using the pull down menu. Hint: Type all or part of the Dimension Column name to quickly find items in the pull down list. |
Primary Key / Index (Type if Parent / Child tables) |
Define if column should be (part of) primary key or index. |
Source Expression |
There are several ways to enter the name of the Source Column. They are: |
Comments |
Optional |
Column Mapping - Command Buttons
New |
Click to insert a new row in the Column Mapping table. |
Delete |
Click to delete the selected row immediately. Click Save to apply the Delete(s) or click Reset to undo the Delete(s). |
Map Source Columns |
Click to automatically map unused source columns. |
Multi (Single) Column PK/Index |
Enable using a multi-column primary key and/or a multi-column non clustered index. After checking this option you must go to the "Primary Key / Index" drop down to set the sequence of the primary key and/or index columns. |
Edit Column Expression |
Click to display the Edit Column Expression form that allows for a more complex mapping expression rather than a simple data source column reference. |
View SQL Expression |
Click to display the SQL Expression that the system constructs to extract the data from the Data Source. |
Preview Table / View Source Table / View Datawarehosue Table (F5) |
Preview result of Column Mappings. The context sensitive F5 key show either source/mapping or dw data. |
Show/Hide Source Mapping Panel |
The Show Source Mapping Panel command is used to make the Source Mapping Panel visible. Use Hide Source Mapping Panel as a means to make more space available for the Column Mapping grid.
Reload Settings
Reload Modes |
Transdate reload, Allow for date based reload options. User must specify a Date Column in the source table. |
Reload Options |
The following reload options are available:
The Storage settings often affect performance while allowing compressed use of the allocated disk space.
Use page compression |
The table will be stored using page compression. This can give better query performance. The Estimate Compression Savings function in Data Source context will present the best candidates for compression. |
Use memory-optimized table |
SQL 2016 supports memory-optimized tables. |
Use columnstore index |
The table will be stored using column store indexing. This will in most cases give better query performance. |
Use partitioning |
Specify whether table should be partitioned. Select existing partition from drop down list. Solution Partitions are maintained in the Solution Management part of the application. |
Skip partitioning of Distinct Tables (visible if Use partitioning is selected) |
By default also distinct tables will be partitioned to allow for tracking data changes by partition. If this is not wanted the user can avoid partitioning of distinct table(s). |
Process settings
Process modes |
The process modes group contains the following options:
Load options |
The following load options are available:
SSIS Settings (SSIS data sources only)
SSIS source settings |
The following SSIS source settings are available:
SSIS destination settings |
The following SSIS destination settings are available:
Auto Update Overrides
Skip auto update |
Check to indicate that this table will not be a part of auto update reloads. |
Maintain auto update table |
Specify whether auto update on the data warehouse module level should add missing DimensionID's in a TABLENAME_AutoUpdate table. Applies to Wide and Parent/Child Dimension tables. |
Auto update filter |
The user can specify a separate filter for auto update reloads. This filter can for example make use of the TABLENAME_AutoUpdate table if the "Maintain auto update table" is checked. |
Partition Schemes
Partition Schemes - Command Buttons
Refresh |
Click to Refresh partition information after Processing. |
Partition Scheme Fields
Sequence |
The partition range sequence number. |
Boundary |
The boundary values for the partition range. |
ID |
ID of the partition range. |
Last Data Change |
The last time partition range data was changed. |
Rows |
Number of rows in partition range. |
For Name, Description, Comments editing click here.
For use of status tab click here.
See also
Using Script Extensions from Content