Dimension member management

Dimensions can be quite different. Some are simple, some more complex. For dimensions getting updates from data source tables the data warehouse should be set up to handle new members in an efficient way.

An overview of all DimensionID's in use in a solution is displayed in the Dimension Key Settings.



The Tuning Advisor will scan existing data warehouse data to help you identify good candidates for surrogate key or data type change.


There are at least four common ways of letting Profitbase Studio maintain dimension values.

Mainly this is done via the dimension layer (a combination of source data and manual dimension tree edits)



Also by way of member scan in fact tables. 



Member scans are performed during load of data source tables if a DimensionID is defined as a shared distinct key or surrogate key. Also dimension members are maintained during load of data source tables if a member scan has been initiated by a consuming module. If the fact table is partitioned changes are also tracked by partition.



Surrogate keys and shared distinct keys do not have the granularity level to track changes by fact table partition. But rather track changes by AltContentID (refering to Data source tables or dimension tree mod tables).
