Schedule Management

When selecting Schedule Management from navigator, you can:

  • Schedule Data Flows. 
  • Check the log and job queue from Profitbase Studio's server. 
Note - Microsoft SQL Agent is used for scheduling. The SQL Agent service and Profitbase Studio 6 server must be running before any scheduled jobs can execute.

Scheduling section (at top)

One or more Data Flows can be added to an MS SQL Agent job. Each job can have one or more schedules.

The schedule part consists of a toolbar and a list of MS SQL Agent jobs related to Profitbase Studio.

To create a new scheduled job, click the [New] button. A dialog is shown from where you can add a name, owner, description, set enabled/disabled and add Data Flows.
Multiple Data Flows can be added as a Job Step and they can be sorted to run in a given sequence. Each Job Step (containing a Data Flow), can be edited in a dialog to change its name and how the step is handled if processed ok or o on failure. The options here are to exit as ok or failure, or continue to next step.
To add/edit scheduling click the [Schedules] link (see below). 

To edit an existing job, select the job in the list and click [Edit]. The same dialog as for add is shown.

To edit schedules, select the job in the list and click [Schedules] (or from the add/edit dialog). A dialog from where schedules are listed is show. A job can have one or more schedules. To add a schedule, click [New] in the toolbar.

A second dialog is shown from where a schedule is added/edited. A schedule has settings for name, frequency and start date. Frequency settings is described below.

Frequency Ocures (what day) Monthly - by day Set the day number in month (1-28) of every number of months (1= every month, 2= every second, 3=every third etc)
Monthly - on the.. Select the First|Second|Third|Forth|Last day (Monday-Sunday) of every number of months (1= every month, 2= every second, 3=every third etc)
Weekly Every number of weeks (1= every week, 2= every second, 3=every third etc) on given day (Monday-Sunday)
Daily Every number of days (1= every day, 2= every second, 3=every third etc) 
Daily Frequency (what time of day) Occurs once at At given time e.g.05:30
Occurs every  Number of hours between run.

To execute a job manually (on server), select the job in the list and click [Execute].

To stop a executing job manually, select the job in the list and click [Stop].

To delete a job, select the job in the list and click [Delete].

Check [Only from Solution] to filter the job steps related to opened solution.

Check [Refresh rate] and add a refresh rate in seconds, to refresh the MS SQL Agents job status.

Click the [Refresh] button to fully refill/refresh the schedule list

Click [Show operation and message log] to switch to the log viewers for the logs. The filter is limited to the latest execution of the first Job Step. This is due to that each Job Step is handled as its own command.

The list of MS SQL Agent jobs has the following columns:

Name Name of the job
Enabled If this job is enabled/disabled.
Last Run Date/Time of last time the job is executed.
Last Run Outcome Last result (Succeeded, Failed, Canceled or Unknown)
Next Run Date/Time of next time the job is executed.
Job Status Job state (Idle=job waiting on next schedule. Executing=job is active)

Server Log section

 The server log contains messages from the Profitbase Studio server with information like:

  • the server starts or stops.
  • the active license is not set, or has expired.
  • a schedule Job Step (Data Flow) starts and ends with given result.
  • a command of other type starts and ends with given result.
The toolbar contains the following:
  • Refresh Rate (in seconds) for reading of the log.
  • Record Count for how many of the number of rows to read/show.
  • Log Filter Settings includes check boxes for (not - server messages that are related to the server itself will always show):
    • filter by selected job (selected row in scheduling section)
    • filter by last execution time for selected job
    • auto apply filter
    • filter log entries by current solution
  • [Refresh] button for manually read the log.
  • [Show Operation and Message log] button for switching to operation and management log views with TaskID as filter.

Server Job Queue section

 The servers Job Queue lists commands that awaits execution or that currently is executing. 

 Jobs that have not started, can be deleted.