Module DW Tasks

In order to process the module in the data warehouse database (DW) in a more detailed mode, Profitbase Studio has a page used in module processing dialog and in the task detail dialog for the 'Module Command(s)' task in data flows.

Left section contains the module structure. Right click on each node to get the task commands available and to add them. Some of the commands have additional options shown in sub dialogs. 

Right section contains a list of added commands. Each command can be enabled/disabled. Right click the command to get a menu to change sequence or to remove it.

I the modules processing dialog, a 'Process' button is shown. Click on this to execute enabled commands in given sequence.

Module Commands

Commands on Module Group

Validate Configuration Checks that module has correct settings and content.
Rebuild Module in DW (create/update views and tables) Creates a complete set of tables/views for the module in the data warehouse database. In earlier PS versions this was called: Process all (recreate all DW tables/views)
(6.1) Auto process DW (recreate all DW tables/views by change) Updates modules tables/views based on changes in sources or configuration. Option to include processing of dimensions in the dimension layer if their sources or configuration is changed.
Process fact views (recreate all fact views) Creates the fact source views in the data warehouse with Business Logic for all module definitions (measure groups). Optional aggregations or table snapshots are done in separate command.
Process dimensions (recreate all dimensions) Creates all used dimension tables with optional member and reduce scans in the data warehouse.
Process fact tables (recreates facts as tables using optional aggregations etc) Creates optional fact result with aggregations or table snapshots. Run this command if a module definition has these storage options or if it is a Sim or Webplan module.
Create friendly named views Creates optional friendly named views on dimensions and module definition fact result. The name is the name of the dimension or the name of the measure group. Note: different modules with same name of measure groups or dimensions will overwrite each other. Last created wins and no warnings given..
Run SQL script Execute selected script against the data warehouse database.

Commands on a shared dimension

Process dimensions (recreate all dimensions) Creates all module dimension tables (or view) with optional member and reduce scans in the data warehouse database.
Process dimension Creates selected dimension table with optional member and reduce scans in the data warehouse database.
Full Member scan on Module Fact Member scan for select dimension is run directly against the output from measure groups. This replaces regular scan that uses distinct tables created by surrogate keys, distinct keys or data source distinct tables. This is slow, but can be useful if some items are missing etc.
Full Reduce scan on Module Fact Reduce scan for select dimension is run directly against the output from measure groups. This replaces regular scan that uses distinct tables created by surrogate keys, distinct keys or data source distinct tables. This is slow, but can be useful if some items are missing etc.
Get translations from source dimension This updates the meta data information from dimension to module layer. This includes names, translations and dimension settings.

Commands on Module Sub Group (Cube)

Process all child fact views Creates the fact source views in the data warehouse with Business Logic for all module definitions (measure groups) belonging to the module sub group (cube). Optional aggregations or table snapshots are done in separate command per measure group.

Commands on Module Definition (Measure Group)

Process fact views Creates the fact source views in the data warehouse with Business Logic for this module definition. Optional aggregations or table snapshots are done in separate command per measure group.
Process dimensions Creates dimension tables with optional member and reduce scans used by selected module definition in the data warehouse database.
Process fact tables (aggregations) Creates optional fact result with aggregations or table snapshots. Run this command if a module definition has these storage options or if it is a Sim or Webplan module.
Update current partition (fact) The time span defined by current get its data refreshed from data sources. This option is available if module definitions result is a table (aggregation or snapshot).