The same dialog and commands are shared between all parts of a module (module group/SSAS database, module sub group/cube and module definition/measure group).
Processing of modules consists of two main parts:
Processing of data warehouse database. This includes creating tables and views for dimensions and fact data sets.
Creation and processing of target system like Microsoft Analyses Services (SSAS). This is only available for SSAS modules (multidimensional & tabular).
The processing dialog has sections according to this:
'Standard Tasks' page:
'Rebuild Module in DW' command creates all tables/vies for dimensions and fact data sets (module definitions) in the Data Warehouse Database. Metadata settings are loaded from dimension layer, reduce and member scan run, fact BI columns is added, and optional aggregations or table snapshots done. The result is a complete set of tables/views for the module.
'Delete and rebuild SSAS DB' command is available for SSAS modules (multidimensional/tabular). It run a complete SSAS database update with deletion and recreation and configuration of the SSAS model.
'Process SSAS database' command is available for SSAS modules and it tells the SSAS to load data from the data warehouse and do its aggregations, calculations etc. When this operation is completed, the Cubes etc. is available for use in clients.
From PS 6.1 additional buttons are added for:
'Auto Update Data Warehouse' command updates necessary Dimensions and Module results (fact and dimensions) based on changes in Data Source tables or changes in configuration. A dialog with the structure based on dependencies is shown, and it can be edited to select/deselect what is to be processed.
'Auto Process SSAS' command processes necessary Dimensions and Measure Groups based on changes in the Data Warehouse.
From PS 6.4 following changes are included:
New checkboxes for selecting multiple commands + new button to execute selected/checked tasks.
Checkboxes for Auto Update
Texts/comments etc. clarified/adjusted.
'Module Data Warehouse Tasks' page has commands related to the data warehouse database (DW). For more details, click here.
'Browse' page has two buttons (1 if a Data Warehouse Output module):
'Start Data Browser' command shows the data warehouse browser from where you can check the data. For more details, click here.
'Browse SSAS' is available for modules producing SSAS multidimensional models. It is dependent on browser settings (see menu Tools -> Options and SSAS browser settings). It can either be the built-in browser or Microsoft Excel.
'Status' shows the data warehouse status on left and optionally the SSAS status at right. For more details, click here.
'Export to Sim 73' (PS6.1, Only Sim Data Warehouse Output modules) gives export possibilities from data warehouse database to a PB Sim 73 database. For more details, click here.
When execution a command against the data warehouse or the SSAS database, an abort button will be available, and the message log will show what is done. Clicking Abort will cancel operations, but it may have to complete the active command first (depends on e.g. MS SQL or SSAS server).