Parent/Child Sub Dimensions

After a sub dimension is added as child to a normal P/C Dimension, you can configure select its items, process it and browse the result.

Note 1 - Sub dimensions is based on a P/C dimensions that must have been processed. It inherits meta data from this.

Note 2 - when used in modules for Profitbase InVision and SSAS tabular, P/C dimensions must have the [Also Create As Wide] checked.

Edit Tree tab

If an Item is checked all its children will be disabled. If the Sub tree is used in a Measure Group in a OLAP database, the Dimension tree will only display this Item and its parents, but no children. Children Items will be replaced with the selected Items ID. Items that do not have a selected parent will be put in a new node w/ID ‘**’.

When Sub Trees is used in Data Warehouse Output, the produced output Fact Tables (OLAP Measure Groups) will have the original ItemID’s replaced by the ItemID’s selected in the Sub Dimension Tree or by ‘**’. This acts as an Aggregation or reductions of the Fact / Measure Data.

Right click in the Edit Tree to get:

  • [Collapse>/[Expand] Collapss or Expandes nodes in the tree.
  • [Check Children] Checks childs/next sublevel nodes of the selected node.
  • [Check Siblings] Checks the selected node and all nodes with the same parent..
  • [Check Leafs] Checks the lowest child of the selected node.
  • [Check All Level NN] For Level type trees only. Checks all items at a given level NN.

Process the dimension

Click on [Tasks and Data] to open a processing dialog. The dimension will be processed automatically. Observe the result and log. Click the [Process] button o re-process.

After the dimension table is created click [Validate] to check the configuration and result.


Browse tab

After processing the sub dimension, it can be browsed in eigther tree view or table mode.