Microsoft Access Source

MS Access databases can be connected to via SSIS.

For MS Access sources the Jet (.mdb) or ACE (.accdb) OLEDB provider is used. (Excel uses the same provider)

Using PowerShell:

If SSIS is not an option. Using a PowerShell script to load the data is an alternative. Below is an example that can be used to load MS Access data:

$sql = @"
select * from [TableName]
    $filename = "DatabaseName.mde"
    $connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=${filename};";
    $connection = New-Object $connectionString;
    $command = New-Object $sql
    $command.Connection = $connection
    Add-Type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo<<SMOVERSION>>" 
    $ns = 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo'
    $svr = New-Object("$ns.Server") "<<DWSERVER>>"
    $db = $svr.Databases["<<DWDATABASE>>"]    
    $tbExistCheck = $db.Tables["<<TABLENAME>>_Temp"]
    if ($tbExistCheck)
    $tbl = New-Object("$ns.Table")($db, "<<TABLENAME>>_Temp", "<<DWSCHEMA>>")
    $reader = $command.ExecuteReader()
    $schemaTable = $reader.GetSchemaTable();
    foreach ($row in $schemaTable.Rows)
        $sqlDataType =""
        switch ($row["DataType"].ToString())
            "System.AnsiString" {if ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "0") {$sqlDataType = "VarCharMax";} else {$sqlDataType = "VarChar";}; break}    
            "System.AnsiStringFixedLength" {$sqlDataType = "Char"; break}
            "System.Binary" {$sqlDataType = "Binary"; break}
            "System.Boolean" {$sqlDataType = "Bit"; break}
            "System.Byte" {$sqlDataType = "TinyInt"; break}
            "System.Byte[]" {if ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "8") {$sqlDataType = "Timestamp";} elseif ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "2147483647") {$sqlDataType = "Binary";} else {$sqlDataType = "VarBinary";}; break}    
            "System.Currency" {$sqlDataType = "Money"; break}
            "System.Date" {$sqlDataType = "Date"; break}
            "System.DateTime" {$sqlDataType = "DateTime"; break}
            "System.DateTime2" {$sqlDataType = "DateTime2"; break}
            "System.DateTimeOffset" {$sqlDataType = "DateTimeOffset"; break}
            "System.Decimal" {$sqlDataType = "Decimal"; break}
            "System.Double" {$sqlDataType = "Float"; break}
            "System.Guid" {$sqlDataType = "UniqueIdentifier"; break}
            "System.Int16" {$sqlDataType = "SmallInt"; break}
            "System.Int32" {$sqlDataType = "Int"; break}
            "System.Int64" {$sqlDataType = "BigInt"; break}
            "System.Object" {$sqlDataType = "Variant"; break}
            "System.SByte" {$sqlDataType = "SmallInt"; break}
            "System.Single" {$sqlDataType = "Real"; break}
            "System.String" {if ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "0") {$sqlDataType = "NVarCharMax";} elseif (-not $row["DataTypeName"]) {$sqlDataType = "NVarChar";} elseif ($row["DataTypeName"].ToString() -eq "varchar") {$sqlDataType = "VarChar";} else {$sqlDataType = "NVarChar";}; break}    
            "System.StringFixedLength" {$sqlDataType = "NChar"; break}
            "System.Time" {$sqlDataType = "DateTime"; break}
            "System.UInt16" {$sqlDataType = "Int"; break}
            "System.UInt32" {$sqlDataType = "BigInt"; break}
            "System.UInt64" {$sqlDataType = "BigInt"; break}
            "System.VarNumeric" {$sqlDataType = "Numeric"; break}
            "System.Xml" {$sqlDataType = "Xml"; break}   
        if ($row["IsLong"].ToString() -eq "True") {$sqlDataType = "NVarCharMax";} 
        $colName = $row["ColumnName"].ToString()
        $dtype = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlDataType] $sqlDataType

        if ($sqlDataType -eq "VarChar" -or $sqlDataType -eq "NVarChar" -or $sqlDataType -eq "Char" -or $sqlDataType -eq "NChar")
            $length = $row["ColumnSize"].ToString()
            $dtype = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType($sqlDataType, $length.ToInt32($Null))
        elseif ($sqlDataType -eq "Decimal" -or $sqlDataType -eq "Numeric")
            $precision = $row["NumericPrecision"].ToString()
            $scale = $row["NumericScale"].ToString()
            $dtype = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType($sqlDataType, $precision.ToInt32($Null), $scale.ToInt32($Null))

        $colconame = New-Object("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column")($tbl, $colName, $dtype)
    $connectionstring = "Data Source=<<DWSERVER>>;<<DWAUTH>>;Initial Catalog=<<DWDATABASE>>;"
    $bulkcopy = New-Object("Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy") $connectionstring
    $bulkcopy.DestinationTableName = "<<DWSCHEMA>>.<<TABLENAME>>_Temp"
    $bulkcopy.BulkcopyTimeout = <<TIMEOUT>>
    $bulkcopy.BatchSize = 4000 # Batches of 4k rows is usually fast and keeps memory usage low
    $bulkcopy.EnableStreaming = 1
    $command.CommandTimeout = <<TIMEOUT>>;
    $readrow = $command.ExecuteReader()
    write-error $_.Exception.Message