MS Access databases can be connected to via SSIS.
For MS Access sources the Jet (.mdb) or ACE (.accdb) OLEDB provider is used. (Excel uses the same provider)
Using PowerShell:
If SSIS is not an option. Using a PowerShell script to load the data is an alternative. Below is an example that can be used to load MS Access data:
$sql = @"
select * from [TableName]
$filename = "DatabaseName.mde"
$connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=${filename};";
$connection = New-Object $connectionString;
$command = New-Object $sql
$command.Connection = $connection
Add-Type -AssemblyName "Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo<<SMOVERSION>>"
$ns = 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo'
$svr = New-Object("$ns.Server") "<<DWSERVER>>"
$db = $svr.Databases["<<DWDATABASE>>"]
$tbExistCheck = $db.Tables["<<TABLENAME>>_Temp"]
if ($tbExistCheck)
$tbl = New-Object("$ns.Table")($db, "<<TABLENAME>>_Temp", "<<DWSCHEMA>>")
$reader = $command.ExecuteReader()
$schemaTable = $reader.GetSchemaTable();
foreach ($row in $schemaTable.Rows)
$sqlDataType =""
switch ($row["DataType"].ToString())
"System.AnsiString" {if ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "0") {$sqlDataType = "VarCharMax";} else {$sqlDataType = "VarChar";}; break}
"System.AnsiStringFixedLength" {$sqlDataType = "Char"; break}
"System.Binary" {$sqlDataType = "Binary"; break}
"System.Boolean" {$sqlDataType = "Bit"; break}
"System.Byte" {$sqlDataType = "TinyInt"; break}
"System.Byte[]" {if ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "8") {$sqlDataType = "Timestamp";} elseif ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "2147483647") {$sqlDataType = "Binary";} else {$sqlDataType = "VarBinary";}; break}
"System.Currency" {$sqlDataType = "Money"; break}
"System.Date" {$sqlDataType = "Date"; break}
"System.DateTime" {$sqlDataType = "DateTime"; break}
"System.DateTime2" {$sqlDataType = "DateTime2"; break}
"System.DateTimeOffset" {$sqlDataType = "DateTimeOffset"; break}
"System.Decimal" {$sqlDataType = "Decimal"; break}
"System.Double" {$sqlDataType = "Float"; break}
"System.Guid" {$sqlDataType = "UniqueIdentifier"; break}
"System.Int16" {$sqlDataType = "SmallInt"; break}
"System.Int32" {$sqlDataType = "Int"; break}
"System.Int64" {$sqlDataType = "BigInt"; break}
"System.Object" {$sqlDataType = "Variant"; break}
"System.SByte" {$sqlDataType = "SmallInt"; break}
"System.Single" {$sqlDataType = "Real"; break}
"System.String" {if ($row["ColumnSize"].ToString() -eq "0") {$sqlDataType = "NVarCharMax";} elseif (-not $row["DataTypeName"]) {$sqlDataType = "NVarChar";} elseif ($row["DataTypeName"].ToString() -eq "varchar") {$sqlDataType = "VarChar";} else {$sqlDataType = "NVarChar";}; break}
"System.StringFixedLength" {$sqlDataType = "NChar"; break}
"System.Time" {$sqlDataType = "DateTime"; break}
"System.UInt16" {$sqlDataType = "Int"; break}
"System.UInt32" {$sqlDataType = "BigInt"; break}
"System.UInt64" {$sqlDataType = "BigInt"; break}
"System.VarNumeric" {$sqlDataType = "Numeric"; break}
"System.Xml" {$sqlDataType = "Xml"; break}
if ($row["IsLong"].ToString() -eq "True") {$sqlDataType = "NVarCharMax";}
$colName = $row["ColumnName"].ToString()
$dtype = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.SqlDataType] $sqlDataType
if ($sqlDataType -eq "VarChar" -or $sqlDataType -eq "NVarChar" -or $sqlDataType -eq "Char" -or $sqlDataType -eq "NChar")
$length = $row["ColumnSize"].ToString()
$dtype = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType($sqlDataType, $length.ToInt32($Null))
elseif ($sqlDataType -eq "Decimal" -or $sqlDataType -eq "Numeric")
$precision = $row["NumericPrecision"].ToString()
$scale = $row["NumericScale"].ToString()
$dtype = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DataType($sqlDataType, $precision.ToInt32($Null), $scale.ToInt32($Null))
$colconame = New-Object("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column")($tbl, $colName, $dtype)
$connectionstring = "Data Source=<<DWSERVER>>;<<DWAUTH>>;Initial Catalog=<<DWDATABASE>>;"
$bulkcopy = New-Object("Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy") $connectionstring
$bulkcopy.DestinationTableName = "<<DWSCHEMA>>.<<TABLENAME>>_Temp"
$bulkcopy.BulkcopyTimeout = <<TIMEOUT>>
$bulkcopy.BatchSize = 4000 # Batches of 4k rows is usually fast and keeps memory usage low
$bulkcopy.EnableStreaming = 1
$command.CommandTimeout = <<TIMEOUT>>;
$readrow = $command.ExecuteReader()
write-error $_.Exception.Message